A View from Sierra County

Small town life and politics, lots of knitting, and travels with and without my five burros

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Location: In the Sierra Nevadas, United States

I blog about rural living and social issues, and the creativity that comes from knitting, as well as post random pictures of the Sierras and my burros. "In order to be an artist, one must be deeply rooted in the society" - Simone de Beauvoir


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I'm a Hot Item

I am still in shock! I attended a meeting today, where one of my friends ordered two purses from me (count them, two, not one, but TWO!). I already have the materials to make one for another co-worker and dear friend, so I will be hard at work today. My two quilt club buddies and co-workers also told me yesterday that they had the votes to get me into their crafts cooperative, and how soon could I start taking a shift? (I think they want my body more than they are wowed by my stuff, as some of the members have been ill, etc., and less able to help staff the shop). So, here's my list of stuff to make to sell:

Purple felted purse
Deep red felted purse
Turquoise felted purse
2 pairs of red fur-trimmed purple flip-flops
2 red and purple felted purses

Whew, I better get cracking here!


Blogger Cody said...

Told you that you could sell your stuff. Too bad you don't have more free time huh? You could develop carpal tunnel for all your knitting projects, (knock on wood.)

3:41 PM  

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